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Akshaya Rajasekaran's Articles

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Tiananmen Square Massacre

On April 15, 1989, the death of Hu Yaobang, a passionate liberalizer and a purge reform-minded Communist Party Leader, caused something big to stir up in China, something no one was prepared for and something the world had never witnessed before.

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A Cloudless World

I have always found my peace up in between the billows of clouds. Those luminous creations bring me a sense of tranquillity. Cloud watching gave me an escape from my life transitorily, for I had sinned, and there was no running away from my misdoings

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Tiananmen Square Massacre

On April 15, 1989, the death of Hu Yaobang, a passionate liberalizer and a purge reform-minded Communist Party Leader, caused something big to stir up in China, something no one was prepared for and something the world had never witnessed before.

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A Cloudless World

I have always found my peace up in between the billows of clouds. Those luminous creations bring me a sense of tranquillity. Cloud watching gave me an escape from my life transitorily, for I had sinned, and there was no running away from my misdoings